Join us in praying for Rep. Patrick McHenry
Please join us in prayer today for the intercession of St. Benedict that he may bestow the 10 Benedictine Hallmarks on Belmont Abbey College alumni, Rep. Patrick McHenry. You can add your personal prayer intentions for Rep. McHenry below.
We pray for the intercession of St. Benedict for the increase of:
- Love – Love of Christ and neighbor. The ”good zeal” of the Rule encourages us to be the first to show respect to others and “prefer nothing whatsoever to Christ.” It challenges our community to engage persons from all backgrounds who desire to teach and to lead, to serve and to study with us. Each member of our community should collaborate in pursuit of a rigorous and disciplined search for Truth and be able to count on others’ assistance when needed.
- Prayer – A life marked by Liturgy, Lectio, and Mindfulness. We aim to inspire by the design and life of our community a spirit of transcendence and mindfulness, encouraging all to cultivate a life of prayer appropriate to his or her own faith. Everyone should cultivate openness to the work of intellectual and personal transformation by connecting study to the fundamental purpose of life.
- Stability – Commitment to the Daily Life of Heritage and Tradition. We strive to create lasting relationships. We believe that persevering together in the pursuit of wisdom- as opposed to engaging one another only enough to achieve private understanding-builds strong, lasting relationships and makes remarkably powerful growth possible for all.
- Conversatio – The Way of Formation and Transformation. Benedictine education intends to establish intellectual and moral virtues in each of us, which may take years to perfect. To achieve this, we must develop mental habits of challenging and wrestling with the ideas we take for granted, which will transform students, faculty, and staff alike by nurturing learning and generosity over a lifetime.
- Obedience – A commitment to Listening and Consequent Action. In intellectual inquiry, obedience means respecting the integrity of the methods of study appropriate to each academic discipline, and maintaining fidelity to the evidence, wherever it leads. Teaching and learning are impossible without this obedience, and through it, we form an intellectual community, drawing on a diversity of academic endeavors while respecting the methodologies proper to each.
- Discipline – a way toward learning freedom. Discipline is the way of focusing energy and attention on what matters most. In our pursuit of excellence, we strive to order our minds and actions to develop personal discipline. Our goal is to grow beyond a discipline imposed from the outside to a mature self-discipline in which we possess a robust love of learning and can imagine and pursue what is necessary to achieve our personal goals.
- Humility – Knowledge of self in relation to God, others and creation. Humility is St. Benedict’s word for wisdom. It is an accurate appraisal of one’s strengths and weaknesses before God, before others, and before oneself. We seek to cultivate the exploration of truth, aware that through a rigorous and wide-ranging pursuit of knowledge, we are all made more free to discern and cultivate the gifts we possess, thereby contributing to the well-being of all.
- Stewardship – Responsible use of Creation, Culture and Arts. We foster good stewardship of our environment and our talents out of respect for God’s creation. The world with its bountiful resources and each person with his or her unique talents have been created by God for the sake of us all. We strive to encourage the study and practice of the arts, aware of their capacity to develop in us a deeper recognition of the nature and purpose of life itself.
- Hospitality – Welcoming each other as Christ Himself. St. Benedict directs us to respond to a guest’s unexpected arrival as we would to a visit from Christ Himself. Therefore, we strive to extend personal hospitality to each member of our community, especially to those who are new or are guests. More broadly, we seek opportunities to enable us to recognize the needs of those in our community, and to call forth the talents and gifts of persons of differing capacities and dispositions, and of diverse races, cultures, and backgrounds.
- Community – Call to Serve the Common Good. A Benedictine community is rooted in a particular place where mutual service is demanded of all without concern for individual reward. We have a practical focus on community building, cultivating responsible living that is enriched by the examples of those around us, grounded in the wisdom of the past, and refreshed by the perspectives of others. In so doing, we seek to ensure that students cultivate the disposition to serve others in ever deeper and broader ways.
Sign the prayer chain and commit to praying for Belmont Abbey College alumni, Rep. Patrick McHenry, by filling out the form below: