Focus your heart and mind on the Passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ, with “Meditations on the Stations of the Cross.”
The crucifixion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the most significant moment in the history of mankind. Because of His sacrifice on the Cross, He conquered evil and opened a path to life everlasting for all.

As you prepare your heart and mind for the Lenten season, we at Belmont Abbey College wanted to make sure you had a resource for one of the most powerful meditations available to Catholics — the Stations of the Cross.
Dr. Ron Thomas — Associate Professor of Theology at Belmont Abbey College — created a wonderful eBook called “Meditations on the Stations of the Cross” that you can print and use for just that purpose.
The friends of Belmont Abbey College have made it possible for us to offer this guide to you today at no cost!
When you get your free copy, you’ll get:
- An introduction to the Stations of the Cross,
- Actual photos of the Stations of the Cross posted in the nave of our beautiful Belmont Abbey Basilica here on campus,
- A simple guide on how to perform the meditations and prayers of each station of the cross.
- Corresponding scripture you can read and reflect upon during each station, and most importantly…
- A way to orient your heart towards our Lord, Jesus Christ, and travel with Him from the moment He was condemned to death to Golgotha, where He conquered sin on the Cross.
To get your free copy of “Meditations on the Stations of the Cross” today, please use the form below to tell us where to email it right away:
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