Your opportunity to shape your legacy through Belmont Abbey College
Thank you for your interest in our upcoming financial planning video featuring Richard Hoefling ’71 with Phil and Liz Brach. Please use the form below to register to receive the video via email on April 12, 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact Monica Mattioli at monicamattioli@bac.edu or phone at 704-461-6674.
Members of the 1876 Heritage Society enjoy a number of complementary resources including newsletters, estate planning tools, and resources for financial advisors. As an 1876 Heritage Society member, your commitment will contribute to the lives of Abbey students long into the future, and your commitment will inspire others and sustain the Abbey’s mission for years to come.
To learn more about the 1876 Heritage Legacy Society, please visit https://resources.bac.edu/heritage-legacy-society/.