Divine Mercy- Donation Page

Thank you for signing up for The Divine Mercy novena — it is our sincerest hope that it helps you grow in your faith, find peace and joy, and focus your heart and mind on Jesus Christ.

An email containing a link to download the novena is on its way to your inbox.

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This resource is free for you today because of the generous donors who support the mission of Belmont Abbey College. It was through their acts of charity that we were able to produce, promote, and make it available to you today.

Will you help make this resource and others like it available for someone else by making a charitable donation?

Your gift today will be used to:

  • Connect with others who are looking for ways to live in love and obedience to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
  • Provide this free resource to those who are looking to grow in their faith.
  • Support the production of other resources like this one that will be made available at no cost to those who are looking to deepen their understanding of their Catholic faith and the Church’s teachings.
  • Restore a life of virtue to future generations—by supporting Belmont Abbey College’s mission to educate students in the liberal arts and sciences so that in all things God may be glorified.
  • Encourage and provide resources for more than 20 monks at Belmont Abbey—the active monastery at the center of our college campus—who are pursuing their vocation and education to bring glory to God’s name. 

Your generous tax-deductible gift today will enhance the ongoing work of Belmont Abbey College: reaching young people, instructing them in the liberal arts and sciences, and instilling the virtues of faith in them—so that in all things God may be glorified.

And, with your gift of $50 or more today, we’d like to send you this bracelet featuring Saint Benedict’s medal as a gift of thanks.

The Saint Benedict medal is inscribed with prayers often known to obtain God’s protection from the devil and from impurity, from disease and dangerous storms, to procure assistance in the hour of death, and to obtain the grace of conversion for sinners.

We would love to send it to you as a token of our appreciation for your generosity today.