Thank you for requesting your copy of our newest ebook, Political Principles for Catholic Voters.
Your link to download it is on its way to your inbox and should arrive shortly! Before you go, there’s something important you need to know…
Western culture is being attacked from all sides. Our founding Fathers knew that our freedoms would only remain if we remained a moral people. Now, more than ever, we need institutions that teach students logic, reason, and objective Truth. We need environments where the minds, bodies, and souls of the next generation of doctors, lawyers, teachers, and statesmen, are nurtured and perfected in excellence and virtue.
This was the type of education the authors of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence received. A thoroughly moral one rooted in the divine principles of God’s created order. It is this education that can save us from social collapse.
That’s why we must ensure that Benedictine liberal arts education continues.
For centuries the Benedictines have tended the flame of Western Civilization, cultivating spaces within which the pursuit of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness engages our rich heritage and preserves our understanding of what it means to be human.
You can help safeguard the Truth, Goodness, and Beauty of Western Culture today by making a gift to Belmont Abbey College.
By actively embracing the legacy of St. Benedict and his ten Benedictine Hallmarks, you join Belmont Abbey College in its mission to foster the pursuit of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness—the essential realities that orient us toward God and enable human flourishing, even in the face of a society that increasingly rejects Truth altogether.
Today, we stand as committed to serving our students, region, nation, and Church as the founding monks did when they started making bricks for our first buildings nearly 150 years ago.
Will you help preserve our nation’s freedoms and save Western culture by making a tax-deductible donation to Belmont Abbey College today?
Your gift today will be used to:
- Connect with others who are looking for ways to live in love and obedience to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- Provide this free resource, and others like it, to those who are looking to grow in their faith and counter the decline of Western culture.
- Support the production of other resources like this one, which will be available at no cost to those who are looking to deepen their understanding of their Catholic faith and the Church’s teachings.
- Restore a life of virtue to future generations—by supporting Belmont Abbey College’s mission to educate students in the liberal arts and sciences so that in all things God may be glorified.
- Ensure that we can remain financially independent from the government interests looking to change our curriculum and silence our Catholic voice. Your support today enables us to refuse EVERY PENNY of government funding.
And with your gift of $100 or more today, we’d like to send you a signed copy of John Fisher and Thomas More: Keeping Their Souls While Losing Their Heads by Robert J. Conrad, Jr., which retells the narratives of Bishop John Fisher and Thomas More, both executed by King Henry VIII. According to Conrad, rather than being staunch adherents of their own desires, More and Fisher were devoted servants of the true God, guided by His Word and the Church. Their mutual belief centered on the notion that God embodied truth, with His Church serving as a beacon of truthfulness.
Make your donation to support our fight to save Western culture today by creating the future Catholic leaders of tomorrow.