This Lent touch the minds and hearts of young people
As you go deeper in your faith this Lent, take heart!
“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
There is still time to go deeper in your faith during this holy season. You can do so by following the three main practices Catholics are asked to do during Lent— pray, fast, and give alms.
We pray to lift up our minds and hearts to God.
We fast to let go of some of our lower hungers so that a higher, deeper hunger for God emerges. It’s about making a sacrifice so that we can find our comfort in God.
We give alms to trigger the unique dynamic of our beings increasing as we give away. Instead of holding onto what we have, we find ways to be particularly generous.
As you are prayerfully discerning your Lenten almsgiving, please consider making a donation to Belmont Abbey College to help educate students in the liberal arts and sciences so that in all things God may be glorified.
Your gift today will be used to:
- Connect with others who are seeking to prepare their hearts and minds for the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- Support the production of resources, which will be made available at no cost to those hoping to deepen their understanding of their Catholic faith and the Church’s teachings.
- Restore a life of virtue to future generations—by supporting Belmont Abbey College’s mission to educate students in the liberal arts and sciences so that in all things, God may be glorified.
- Provide resources for the monks of Belmont Abbey—the active monastery at the center of our college campus, located just outside of Charlotte, NC—who are pursuing their vocation and education to the fullest to bring glory to God’s name.
- Much, much more …
Your charitable gift today can make all of this happen!
Your generous tax-deductible gift today, of whatever your means allow, will enhance the ongoing work of Belmont Abbey College: reaching young people and teaching them through the liberal arts and sciences to live a life of virtue so that in all things, God may be glorified by every generation.
And, with your gift of $100 or more today, we’d like to send you The Rule of Saint Benedict. The Rule has guided the Benedictine community for 15 centuries. The spirit of The Rule can be summarized by its motto ora et labora, “pray and work.” May The Rule aid you in growing deeper in your love for Christ this Lenten Season.