Belmont Abbey College- Benefactors Survey

Belmont Abbey College Alumni Survey 2023

Thank you for participating in this important survey. Your input is valuable as we seek to improve the alumni relations program at Belmont Abbey college. Please be assured your responses will remain strictly confidential and no individually identifiable information will ever be reported.

1. Today, how connected do you feel to Belmont Abbey College?(Required)
2. Are you regularly in touch with people you met at Belmont Abbey? (Mark all that apply)(Required)

3. Please indicate how important each of the following is to you at this point in your life and career:
Raising a family(Required)
Working for social and political change(Required)
Helping others(Required)
Being well off finanically(Required)
Growing in my relationship with God(Required)
Doing creative and expressive work(Required)
Enjoying my retirement(Required)

4. How well did Belmont Abbey prepare you for your current career?(Required)
5. What is your overall perception of Belmont Abbey College?(Required)

6. When you think about your connection to Belmont Abbey College today, how important is each of the following:
Your class year of graduation(Required)
Key professor(s)(Required)
Your academic department or major(Required)
Belmont Abbey as a whole(Required)
The Benedictine Monks(Required)
Your clubs/organization(Required)
Your athletic's team(Required)
Your residence hall(Required)
Your friendships from college(Required)
Your fraternity or sorority(Required)

7. Which statement below best describes the amount of communication you receive from Belmont Abbey College?(Required)

8. In the past year, how often have you sought/received news or information about Belmont Abbey College from each of these sources? Please also select your preferred method of finding news about the college.
Crossroad Alumni Magazine(Required)
Email newsletters(Required)
Belmont Abbey main website(Required)
Traditional US Mail(Required)
Communicating with other Alumni(Required)
What is your preferred method of finding news about the college?(Required)

9. What was the total amount you borrowed to finance your Belmont Abbey education?(Required)
10. Did the education you received while attending Belmont Abbey College outweigh the financial costs/sacrifice to you and your family?(Required)

11. Please let us know how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:
The Benedictine Monastery is essential to Belmont Abbey College.(Required)
Belmont Abbey College is one of my top three charities.(Required)
I am in regular touch with my Belmont Abbey Classmates.(Required)
Belmont Abbey College is too Catholic.(Required)
I look forward to getting the alumni magazine, Crossroads.(Required)
I enjoyed my time at Belmont Abbey College.(Required)
I wish there were more alumni events to attend on campus.(Required)
I wish there were more alumni events to attend in my city.(Required)
I made lifelong friendships at The Abbey.(Required)
Belmont Abbey is too politically active.(Required)
I think it is important that alumni donate at least once a year.(Required)
Belmont Abbey is too focused on sports.(Required)

12. Please let us know how well the following statements describe Belmont Abbey College:
Promotes love and truth(Required)
Financially secure(Required)
Protects religious liberty(Required)
Helps students learn, seek, and thrive(Required)
Helps students to own their purpose(Required)
Authentically Catholic institution(Required)
Benedictine hospitality(Required)
Catholic College of the South(Required)

13. My Belmont Abbey education helped me in the following ways: (mark all the apply)(Required)
14. Which of the following statements best describes your financial contributions to Belmont Abbey College?(Required)
15. Which of the following statements best describes your current situation?(Required)
16. Are you aware that Belmont Abbey College has started offering graduate degree programs?(Required)
17. Are you employed right now?(Required)
18. In what sector are you employed?(Required)
19. How many children do you have?(Required)
20. Please mark the range below that most closely approximates your annual household income:(Required)