The Benedictine Hallmarks: Lesson Two Session 2: The Hallmark of Hospitality Test your knowledge! Quiz 2 Hospitality (Benedictine Hallmarks) Br. Bede says that discomfort is actually what?* A sin A blessing A state of mind What small action of the brothers in the monastery stood out the most to Br. Bede when he was visiting?* People seem to enjoy sharing stories The person sitting next to him would pour his water The person sitting in front of him would share his food What is the meaning of Imago Dei?* Image of God Image of prayer Image of sacrifice How does Br. Bede suggest we grow in Hospitality every day?* Look for many opportunities throughout your day and take action Look for one time each day to practice hospitality where you normally might not. Invite people to your home and host for them Every time you give of yourself, you make more room for whom?* God Saints All of the above