Begin a journey of gratitude.
We’d all like to cultivate a grateful heart. Few things increase the joy in our lives more than gratitude, and few things are as simple (though not always easy) to practice. Life can be busy, overwhelming, and loud. It is easy to go through a day without stopping to thank God, though He sustains each breath we take through His incredible love
Here at Belmont Abbey College, we are blessed with an active community of Benedictine monks at the heart of our campus. They share their home with our students, faculty, and staff, imbuing our community with a sense of constant gratitude for all that God gives us.
It is this spirit of gratitude we want to share with you. But, the journey to living a life of gratitude and thanksgiving can be daunting. Knowing where to start and how to make lasting changes is difficult.

With this in mind, we have created our newest eBook offering, 10 Steps to Gratitude. In this free guide, you will learn:
- How to slow down and notice the small things…
- Why keeping a simple list can help you be more grateful…
- How to vocalize your gratitude…
- Why challenges need to be seen as blessings…
- How to accept others’ gratitude…
- Ways you can truly rest in God’s love…
- And much, much more…
Access your free eBook, 10 Steps to Gratitude, today by telling us where to email it by completing the form below!